Google kills Toolbar for Firefox 5

No use any longer states Big G

Google kills Toolbar for Firefox 5. Internet, Online, Google, Firefox 5 0
22 July 2011 16:20 GMT / By Paul Lamkin
Firefox fans who've updated to the latest version and are waiting patiently for Google Toolbar compatibility, we've got some bad news - Google isn't playing ball.
The search giant is getting streamlined in its quest for global domination, first it stated that it is ditching Google Labs and now it has confirmed that the Google Toolbar for Firefox is no longer going to be updated - citing the advancement of browsers and the extra features they give as the reason.
"As we all know, over the past few years, there has been a tremendous amount of innovation in the browser space," read a statement on the Google Toolbar blog.
"For Firefox users, many features that were once offered by Google Toolbar for Firefox are now already built right into the browser. Therefore, while Google Toolbar for Firefox works on versions up to and including Firefox 4 only, it will not be supported on Firefox 5 and future versions."
It's clear that Google wants users to jump on board the Chrome revolution, although fair play to the Big G for not being too pushy - it has provided Firefoxers a handy links page to download add-ons to replicate many of the toolbar features.

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