LG 55-inch OLED coming in 2012

Not a budget TV....

LG 55-inch OLED coming in 2012. Home Cinema, OLED televisions, OLED, LG, TVs 0
22 July 2011 13:41 GMT / By Paul Lamkin
If the 31-inch OLED TV that LG showed off at IFA blew your tiny mind, then expect it to be blown once more (and much harder) by the news that the Korean electronics company plans to unleash a 55-inch model in the second half of 2012.
LG Display's CEO Kwon Young-soo made the announcement in Korea as the company unveiled its latest revenues, stating that the company's aim is to move away from producing tablet and mobile OLED screens as it is both "flawed" and not profitable enough.
"We will make no more investment in the sector, judging that the OLED business is relatively less profitable than other products in the mobile sector," he said.
The 55-incher will be a product that can be bought in the shops, not merely a demo of the tech although Kwon admitted it isn't likely to go mainstream. "Initial production volume would be only tens of thousands of units due to limited production facilities, but we will expand them to a mass production system, observing market reactions," he said.
The 31-inch model shown off in Berlin last year went on sale in March and costs £6,000. LG's 15-inch OLED costs around £1,500.
So a quick spin on the Pocket-lint abacus leads us to believe the 55-incher will cost a minimum of £20,000. Better get saving those pennies.

source http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/41188/lg-oled-55-inch-tv

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