Apple TV update brings cloud-storage locker for purchased TV shows

Along with Vimeo support

Apple TV update brings cloud-storage locker for purchased TV shows. Apple, Online, Hardware, Media streaming, Cloud computing, Updates,  0
A swanky new feature for the Apple TV 2 has just been released, bringing you the ability to purchase TV shows and then stream them from the cloud - a marked change from the previous rental-only format.

The update could pave the way for a system whereby all payed-for content is streamed from the cloud - something which, in the future, may include films.

Along with the update, you'll also find Vimeo support - a welcome addition to many Apple TV fans - which is suspected to be for US users only and TV shows are also listed in the purchased section of iTunes on mac and iOS.

This cloud-based locker for all your content is another step towards Apple's aim to not only find its way into your pocket and office through mobile devices and laptops, but also into your lounge - despite the lacklustre uptake of the Apple TV (hobby box).
However, with this news, as well as the rumoured Apple television in the works, we might not have too long to wait before Apple makes a breakthrough.

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