iPad 2 Game Boy case is on the retro side of awesome

iPhone 4 case also on offer

iPad 2 Game Boy case is on the retro side of awesomeThe iPad 2 is already a pretty sweet looking piece of kit if you ask us. Justifying detracting from the sleek white or black styling isn't easy, with only the best of cases qualifying.
Without doubt this iPad 2 Game Boy case is worthy of the back of our iPads. Incorporating that awesome retro Nintendo design whilst keeping our Apple gear safe is a must-buy any day.
Problem is that it isn't on sale yet and won't likely last long given how quickly Nintendo like to clamp down on unofficial Game Boy imitating gear.
The case is on sale at Lootiful.com, which also has a similar iPhone 4 protector on sale for those who are interested, priced in at $17.99.
No release date as of yet on the iPad 2 accessory, it is however set for pre-order very soon for those interested.

source :  http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=16863529420227762

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