HTC Titan shows its size with massive 4.7-inch screen

HTC Titan shows its size with massive 4.7-inch screen

Titan by name titan by nature

HTC Titan shows its size with massive 4.7-inch screen
1 September 2011 19:30 GMT / By Stuart Miles
  How big do you need a phone’s screen to be? 3.5 inches like the iPhone? 4.3 inches like the Samsung Galaxy S II? HTC believe that it’s even bigger than that. The HTC Titan, its latest Windows Phone 7 smartphone, sports a whopping 4.7-inch screen.
The latest flagship to the company’s WP7 lineup and following in the footsteps of last year’s HTC HD7 phone, the new model, previous codenamed the HTC Eternity, will come with a WVGA 4.7-inch Super-LCD display that is both crisp and sharp and makes the HTC Sensation’s offering on Android decidedly flat and pale by comparison.
But it’s not all about that huge screen, HTC is hoping a bevy of new and improved specs will help it take on the impending fight with Nokia when it launches its Windows Phone 7 phones in the coming months.

The HTC Titan will come with a Qualcomm MSM 8255 1.5Ghz processor, 512MB of RAM, 16GB of storage, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, DLNA, HSDPA connectivity, GPS, a microHDMI socket, a 3.5mm audio jack, 1.3 megapixel forward facing camera, and an 8-megapixel camera around back with a wide f2.2 28mm lens and dual LED flash all packed in a shell that is 130.6 x 70.63 x 9.9mm.
Coming of course with the new Windows Phone 7 Mango update (WP7.5), HTC has also added a number of new software enhancements and features of its own, although doesn’t seem to have gone as far as some of Nokia's plans.
Those enhancements include new Panorama Sweep and Burst modes in the camera app, the addition of its Footprint service that allows you to send people directions to your location, and the launch of HTC Watch - the company’s movie rental service, already available on Android, to take advantage of that 4.7-inch screen. The company has also updated its Notes application and the HTC hub.
Available on various networks (no word as to which ones as yet) the phone is expected in the UK at the very beginning of October and is bound to test whether or not people are prepared to pack something that big into their pockets. No word on an US release at the moment.
The company has also launched the HTC Radar, a 3.8-inch Windows Phone 7 handset.


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