Nokia FourSquare gift machine hints at a freebie geo-location future

Nokia FourSquare gift machine hints at a freebie geo-location future

Free shizzle, just for being where you are

Nokia FourSquare gift machine hints at a freebie geo-location future
22 September 2011 14:28 GMT / By Paul Lamkin
  Up in Glasgow, at the city's Social Media Week, Nokia is getting busy giving away free gifts.
Nothing unusual there, big companies are always handing out goodies at trade shows and events to promote their brand. The giving is normally done by promo-girls in skimpy uniforms. The giving of free gifts that is - get your minds out of the gutter.
But what's unique about Nokia's giveaway is that it hints at a geo-targetted tourism future, where people are tempted into visiting places simply because they will gain out of it.
The Nokia Gift Machine is in partnership with geo-fans 1000heads and is powered by FourSquare. To get a free gift users have to open Foursquare on their phone, locate the Nokia Gift Machine, check-in using the #NokiaConnects hashtag and share to Twitter. A prize then drops out of the bottom.

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