Jabra Supreme Bluetooth headset adds Active Noise Cancellation

Jabra Supreme Bluetooth headset adds Active Noise Cancellation

And funky flip-boom arm

Jabra Supreme Bluetooth headset adds Active Noise Cancellation
14 September 2011 12:04 GMT / By Paul Lamkin
  Jabra has unveiled its latest Bluetooth headset, the Jabra Supreme, which is "the first non-stereo headset to incorporate Active Noise Cancellation to block out noisy environments".
The focus on the ANC means that rather than the recipient getting all the noise reduction bonuses, the user gets reduced background noise. But it's not all bad for the recipient, there's Noise Blackout 3.0 too, making it clearer at their end.
The Supreme also has wind noisy reduction, a 24mm speaker "for powerful sound" and also has a funky flipping boom arm that can be used to turn the headset on and off.
"The Jabra Supreme is truly what the name indicates - a top of the line Bluetooth headset," said Anne Raaen Rasmussen, SVP, mobile division, GN Netcom, Inc. “By offering crystal-clear sound on both ends of the call, users will truly be getting the most out of each and every conversation with this product."
Opinion is always divided when it comes to Bluetooth headsets. There's the camp who wouldn't be seen dead with one of these badboys in their ears, and there's the camp who will most likely be seen dead if they don't wear one as they need to talk a lot on their phones whilst driving.
They serve a need, that's what we're trying to say.
And, after Pocket-lint took a look at the Jabra Supreme, we have to say that it's a fairly swish looking model and if you're gonna go down the Bluetooth headset path, you may as well do it the best-looking way that you can.
Out in October, the Jabra Supreme will cost £99.99.
source:  http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/41976/jabra-supreme-bluetooth-headset-anc

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