Premium Amazon Kindle library in the works

Premium Amazon Kindle library in the works

Retailer talking to publishers

Premium Amazon Kindle library in the works
12 September 2011 9:31 GMT / By Paul Lamkin
  Amazon is looking to launch a Kindle library - one that would allow ebook fans the chance to rent books rather than buying them, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.
The move would apparently see older titles becoming available on a loan basis, for customers willing to pay a premium or sign up for Amazon Prime.
The move will obviously only be allowed to go forward should the retail-giant get publishers on board, and this could prove a stumbling block despite it apparently offering them "a substantial fee". The WSJ report suggests that "several publishing executives" aren't too keen on the plan as it would devalue the digital book form and strain other relationships.
We use the term "library" because that's how the report describes it, although the only books that you have to pay for at Pocket-lint's local library are from the special box that's kept in the broom cupboard. And they are only available on a Thursday when dodgy Steve is working, and we're not entirely convinced that these titles come under the jurisdiction of our county council.
The plan for Amazon makes sense though, as it moves into a more digital content space. With Amazon Prime in the US, users are already able to stream thousands of movies and TV shows. So a move to renting digital books makes perfect sense, especially as an ebook has no monetary or sentimental value once you've finished reading it. It's not as if you can put a finished ebook on a shelf, or in a bookcase.

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