Apple certified NFC case for iPhone hits South Korea

Apple certified NFC case for iPhone hits South Korea

iCarte case released

Apple certified NFC case for iPhone hits South Korea
19 September 2011 10:49 GMT / By Hunter Skipworth
  South Koreans have been enjoying the benefits or a properly established NFC structure for some time now, hence Samsung's obsession with sticking the chips in its devices.
Apple's decision to keep the iPhone 4 NFC-free has caused slight problems out in Korea, particularly amongst those who like being on the cutting edge of tech. As such network provider KT has announced the iCarte NFC case for the phone, which brings with it digital wallet functionality for KT customers.
The case was produced by Canadian manufacturer Wireless Dynamics and from the pictures, looks to us like an all black version of the current gen Mophie Juice Packs.
Pre paid "transit cards" will also be embedded into the NFC setup so you can use your Apple handset to pay for transport. Credit card companies are also looking set to get involved.
Korean network provider KT explained they expect to see NFC built into Apple handsets from next year.

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