Samsung fights back - counter sues Apple in Australia

Samsung fights back - counter sues Apple in Australia

Return of the Mac

Samsung fights back - counter sues Apple in Australia
19 September 2011 10:17 GMT / By Hunter Skipworth
  Like two boys squabbling in the playground, tech giants Apple and Samsung seem to refuse to drop it, with the Korean manufacturer now counter suing on patent infringement in Australia.
Sammy chose the land down under to take Apple on over its wireless patents with the iPhone and iPad. The claim was filed in the Federal Court of Australia on 16 September and points to seven separate Apple patent infringements connected with wireless communication standards. The claims address virtually every single one of Apple's portable devices, including the iPhone 3G, 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad 2.
Apple's recent claims against Samsung and its Galaxy Tab 10.1 are also said to be invalid and have been asked to be revoked by the court.
Australia is becoming a relative tech battle ground between the two companies, last month seeing the launch of the Galaxy Tab delayed following global patent disputes.
Samsung's Galaxy Tab devices appear to be becoming slight injunction magnets lately. Most recent of all has to be the problems over the 7.7 and IFA, which saw the device pulled following a 2 September injunction at a Dusseldorf court.
Shame that all this battling between the two tech leaders is done over the courts, we would much rather see conflict arise in the design and innovation department, that might lead to better devices reaching the consumer in the end.

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